16 Feb Keep the Spark Ignited Past Valentine’s Day
Yes, we all know that Valentine’s Day tends to lead to more creativity, romance and excitement than most other days this time of year (well, with the exclusion of the city that wins the Super Bowl, but that’s another story). With V-Day in the rearview mirror and Cupid heading for the hills, it can be difficult to maintain the excitement in your love life. Here at The Pink Boxxe, we believe in creating special moments all year long, so this month’s blog is packed full of ideas about how to make sure that sexy little spark keeps on burning throughout the year!
Kick monotony out!
You know it well by know, a new relationship starts out like an adventure, it’s romantic and exciting. Everything is new and there’s so much you’re wondering about. The first kiss, how much he loves you, when are you going to meet again.
But once the relationship is established, there are no more surprises as the routine kicks in. If you want to be romantic like the early days, do things differently. Be spontaneous, surprise your loved one, and the more you do things out of the ordinary, the better!
Your personal touch
Go beyond the typical rose bouquet and dinner with a candle; pick a personal approach preparing something unique. It’s not a secret recipe; it really comes down to thinking of what pleases your partner most. The idea here is to get your partner’s eyes to sparkle. Make him/her feel unique; coming from you makes all the difference.
You don’t need to do complicated stuff to be romantic, spending a ton of money every day is not a requirement. Small gestures are all you need because in the end what you’re doing is showing your significant other how much you care and love them. Be spontaneous, original and do it often. Go beyond “I love you”, and use different formulas to express the same meaning. Send Valentine’s Day cards along with flowers to start and build up to something really personal and meaningful to your loved one.
Simple ideas like:
- Preparing a romantic bubble bath with rose petals and a glass of wine.
- Cooking dinner together every now and then, taking on the challenge of a new dish.
- Picking a Sunday to enjoy breakfast in bed as a couple; forget the routine and all the running that goes on during the week.
- Bringing home one small, unexpected gift every now and then; it’s the gesture that matters here.
- Complement each other before leaving to work; a great way to make a lasting impression throughout the day.
- Keep up your appearances: dress up, let him/her see you at your best. Put on his/her favourite perfume.
- Send him/her off to work with a surprise love note in his wallet or lunch box.
- Try a cool new activity together, something new that gets you out of your element.
Be sincere
Your partner will truly feel appreciated if your words reflect your inner feelings. Show them you appreciate having them in your life. We tend to forget sometimes how fragile life is and take our partner for granted. Just think of how lucky you are to be able to see your loved one every day. Remind your partner of that, of how lucky you are to be with him/her and you would be living Valentine’s day every day!
Valentine’s is only a one-time reminder per year, simply not enough to show how much you appreciate your other half. On Valentine’s, you are expected to make an effort in being thoughtful, but being romantic and caring naturally during the year is much more gratifying. It also encourages your partner to act the same and pay you back with the same currency.
Shop at The Pink Boxxe!
Most importantly, be sure to stop in at The Pink Boxxe for all your inspiration, accoutrements and accessories! We offer a wide selection of adult toys, gifts, and lingerie to help you find the right mood and make the most of every opportunity… whether it’s for your partner or yourself!